Electronics and Communication Engineering
KIT-KALAIGNARKARUNANIDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYI'm a 3rd Year ECE undergrad, passionate about learning, exploring new domains, contributing to technologies, and enhancing my skills! Seeking a challenging role at a reputed organization to utilize my engineering skills that can contribute to the company’s growth as well as enhance my knowledge by exploring new things. I am honored to lead a group of individuals in my institution in Cloud computing, AI/ML Lead with a passion to learn about different types of technology. I have expertise in Google Cloud, Kubernetes, VM, DevOps, Python, Machine Learning, and AI and related frameworks and languages, and algos. My goal is to become a Cloud, Machine Learning AI developer/engineer once I have completed my education.
70% - Intermediate
For my Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning projects and studies
Completed the Coursera AWS Machine Learning Course
Completed the First Course of IBM Machine Learning Certification
Completed the Second Course of IBM Machine Learning Certification
Completed Python (Basics) in Hackerrank.
Create your own emoji with Machine Learning. Emojis or avatars are ways to indicate nonverbal cues. These cues have become an essential part of online chatting, product review, brand emotion, and many more. It also lead to increasing data science research dedicated to emoji-driven storytelling. With advancements in computer vision and Machine learning, it is now possible to detect human emotions from images. In this Machine learning project, we will classify human facial expressions to filter and map corresponding emojis or avatars.
Chatbots are extremely helpful for business organizations and also the customers. The majority of people prefer to talk directly from a chatbox instead of calling service centers. Facebook released data that proved the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and companies monthly. The HubSpot research tells us that 71% of people want to get customer support from messaging apps. It is a quick way to get their problems solved so chatbots have a bright future in organizations.
We all know that in Mails we can set a timer to send mail. i.e., We can Schedule the mail in prefered or specific time. Now Think about Whatsapp. In just two lines of Python Code, We can schedule our messages. Let's do it! Pre-requesties: You should keep open your Whatsapp in browser (Web Whatsapp). Keep the System/Laptop connected to stable internet.
Completed all my Milestones in the Cloud Facilitator Program and won the Google Swags!
Completed All Modules and got my Cloud Security Batch
Completed All Modules and got my Cloud Native Development Batch
Scored 419 Points in Solving the problems and got my Golden Badge in hackerrank
Our Project got displayed in Daily Thanthi NewsPaper!